Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008

Weekend comes all the way, welcome blue feeling! I called it weekend blues *sigh*. Saya selalu mengalami weekend blues dan saya benci itu. Biasanya, Jumat malam saya akan malas banget pulang (padahal kalo weekdays semangat banget pengen pulang cepet;p) karena sadar ada dua hari yang kosong. Saya tahu dua hari itu tentunya sangat bermanfaat untuk mengistirahatkan pikiran dan badan mengingat hari-hari kerja yang riuh.

Hampa yang menyiksa memang tidak terjadi di semua akhir pekan, but almost all, padahal saya sudah berusaha menyibukkan diri. Mulai bersih-bersih kamar, baca buku, nonton film, nge-gym (baru weekend ini dipraktekkan), jalan sama temen, jalan sama Natalie (my sister), telpon-telponan sama mami papi, ke gereja (pastinya) namun teteup when I have me-time alone, full emptiness and darkness will come. Lebih parah lagi jika insomnia saya kambuh.

Then, I'll remind myself how blessed my life surrounded by love from family and friends, somehow still have a good life...and I'll cry while don't know it's thankful crying or unfullfilled loneliness crying.
posted by ninabelle at 15.38 |


At 22 Oktober 2008 pukul 11.31, Blogger trAveLLeR said........
somehow, I agree with u honey: "I'll cry while don't know it's thankful crying or unfullfilled loneliness crying", gw jg sepagian nangis ampe bendol mata gw and ampe tlp nyokap sambil nangis terisak isak and bikin heboh orang serumah ampe bikin nyokap mau dateng ke jakarta...hehehe..and it was simply because " unfullfilled loneliness crying" yg somehow I realized that that was unthankful crying... well,if u want to cry,,,just cry, especially when u are pregnant like me, you could not have the freedom of crying since that will efect your baby..so please use your freedom to cry:p....
