Kamis, 25 September 2008

Saya kok merasa lelah banget hari ini...capek mikir...i think i need shoulder to rely on. Tapi saat feeling seperti ini tiba, deepdown inside my heart will yell, come on Nina, that's not you...Nina is strong and independent, Nina is optimist. Am I drive myself too hard? sometimes yes.
Ugh, this is such annoying feeling with high density headache caused by unpassionate situation at work...okay,okay...maybe it's just long holiday season syndrome because sometimes I hate holiday when I don't know what I suppose to do. As if I have boyfriend...(hauhuahauhua;p)...at the end of the day I realize it's too silly but it's true anyway...hehe:)
Skip it...let's reviewed what happened today at work.Pagi-pagi ngantor (setelah berhasil memaksakan diri beranjak dari kasur jam 6 pagi), sampai di kantor jam 9 langsung ngabur ke LG buat makan dan beli Chic. Enden naik ke atas nyiapin voice over dan casting (sebenarnya last check ajah karena sudah disiapin dari kemarin), cek email, baca Kompas.com, sempat chat with Dee...my best friend in Bali sebentar...(mengenang masa-masa SMP dan kita baru nyadar kita udah 12 taon bersahabat..aha!) lalu berlanjutlah proses itu...take VO...menunggu...casting...menunggu...casting...dan belum nemu juga...Oh dear Jesus, such a hard thing finding the right person to bring the program then. Berasa resah juga sih secara ada dateline gitu to get her-the host i mean-. Kemudian hari saya berlabuh pada friendster, facebook, blogger and multiply...seandainya bisa berlabuh pada that guy with adorable and sweetest smile..pfffh.
posted by ninabelle at 20.02 |