2 days before Lebaran, this is live report from 8th floor Trans TV Building: the activities is still on!!! Yayyy...I'm not taking my "cuti bersama" anyway, because I want long holiday this Christmas;)
Kalo di kost saya sih, penghuninya cuma tinggal saya doang yang lain sudah pada pulang kampung untuk merayakan Lebaran bersama keluarga. Berhubung saya ga lebaran dan males cari tiket ke Semarang, saya memutuskan untuk stay di Jakarta aja...maybe I'm gonna be enjoying the art of doing things (or nothing..;p) 5 days ahead...hehe...read books, watch some TV shows, cooks, tidy up my room, or move around the city. Saya sudah siap tempur menghadapi Lebaran which means there's gonna be such lonely feeling and (maybe) there's gonna be less choice of foodstall (hahah...anak kost banget...), so yesterday I went shopping with Kak Melan...okay...okay...another impulsive shopping day;p I bought 7 cm tryna black open toe shoes, black legging (I thought it gonna be suitable with my uniform...hehe), batik skirts...okay that's the impulsive ones. We also did some grocery shopping (in fact that Lebaran will come on one more day...hehe..kinda preparation). And I am still happy cause I bought my new Holly Bibble:)...that's the best thing that I bought yesterday*I'm so happy...Thanks God*
Hari ini, my team (me, Kak Melan and Mba Ifa) ngantor...ekspektasi saya sih sepi yah...tapi ternyata cukup rame bahkan bos-bos is on fire getu ngantor boo...yah mungkin karena ini episode Sahur terakhir jadi perlu pantauan khusus menyeluruh...hehe...sakses deh team Sahur. So, hari ini, kita preview program kita tersayang Koper& Ransel untuk ditayangkan ulang, semoga program ini tetap bertahan dan rating sharenya meningkat...amin...saya tak rela tak rela tak rela jika sampai di-del (amit-amit...jangan sampai deh)...many fluctuative shocking decision is taken by the management recently (sssttt...sometimes I questioned about the objectivity...yes...our effectivity of work measured by rating and share..geeezz).
Then, saya sama Kak Melan ngabur sore-sore doing exercise (pokoknya menyehatkan;p) balik kantor updating facebook, friendster, blogger (teteup)...kemudian mau pulang...mengantuk...
Oh my day was just so fun;)